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Post-OP Care

What to Expect From Our Post-OP Care Packages

If you’ve recently had any kind of surgery, the right post-op care is vital to ensure that you heal and recover. From body contouring to more serious surgeries, our post-op care packages are designed to help you get the rest you need so that you can get back to life as fast as possible. Our basic and stress-free post-op care packages include all of the after-care supplies you need. From bandages to dental care supplies, you’ll get everything you need to ensure a smooth recovery. With the basic package, you’ll get two days of post-op care at three hours each. You’ll also receive transportation to and from on the day of your surgery, and one transportation for a post-op visit. In addition to these services, the basic package also includes two lymphatic massages and one delicious, cooked meal.

Whether you’ve had body contouring done or another surgery, let us take care of you afterward, so you can get back on the road to healing. Our Stress-Free package is valid for one month and includes five full days of three hours of post-op care each day. Again, you’ll get transportation to and from your surgery, along with a total of three post-op visits and four lymphatic massages. Enjoy one cooked meal, so you can focus on healing the day after your surgery. No matter what type of procedure you’ve had recently, getting the right care is crucial. Contact us today to find out more about our packages and how we can help you recover faster. Use our website to book online or contact us directly to find out how we can help. You can also chat with us online or visit our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram to find out more about our services and our surgery survival kit.

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